Member Spotlight
Member spotlights highlight the breadth of work performed by Academic Federation members across UC Davis.
Geoffrey Benn - Academic Coordinator
Geoffrey is a course coordinator in the Department of Plant Biology. Geoffrey oversees the lab component of BIS 2C, a high-enrollment introductory biology course requiring multiple graduate teaching assistants, undergraduate learning assistants, and lab operational support.
Christian Bohringer - Clinical Professor
Christian is a professor of clinical anesthesiology in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. Christian provides sedation and general anesthesia for patients to help them get through diagnostic imaging and therapeutic surgical procedures in safety and with comfort.
Ellen Bonnel - Academic Administrator
Ellen is a human studies manager in the USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center (WHNRC) and the Department of Nutrition. Ellen administers all aspects of human nutrition research studies, ranging from observational studies to randomized controlled diet studies.
Jim Brown - Continuing Educator
Jim is the chair of Agriculture, Environmental and Life Sciences in the Division of Continuing and Professional Education (CPE). Jim both creates CPE programs and teaches in them, primarily targeted toward career changers and the 60-year curriculum.
Joan Frank - Continuing Lecturer and Academic Coordinator
Joan is the assistant program director for Dietetics in the Department of Nutrition. Joan is responsible for administering and coordinating the accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) to ensure that the curriculum, program outcomes, and management activities meet or exceed accreditation standards.
Adam Siegel - Librarian
Adam is a librarian in the University Library. Adam provides reference, instruction, outreach, liaison duties, and collection development for researchers, faculty, and graduate students across the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Dylan Spaulding - Associate Project Scientist
Dylan in an associate project scientist in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Dylan runs the Shock Compression Lab, where researchers use light gas guns to study the physics and chemistry of planetary impacts.
Sarah Yarnell - Associate Professional Researcher
Sarah is a research hydrologist in the Center for Watershed Sciences, an interdisciplinary unit of the John Muir Institute of the Environment. Sarah conducts research that integrates the traditional fields of hydrology, ecology, and geomorphology in the river environment.